Friday, April 8, 2011

Humanized Pets

This might tie in with the furry fetish, but i am not sure. i don't think so.

Since human interaction and socialization is a form of the most complicated ways of communication. Trying to communicate amongst each other and trying to seek what each individual needs at given times to be satisfied can be difficult and frustrating. So if you need to feel wanted by someone close to you it is not easy to get the right thing you need. Other times when you want to do something fun with an individual, but their not up for it then you get to feel something you don't want.

Anyway you put it if you need to feel something in particular Search NO MORE!

Its called human pets. It is human beings dressed up like an animal to be your pet. They are there to give you the nurture, compassion, loyalty, companionship, etc. that you need to feel that your counterpart or others individuals are not giving you to feel the way you want to feel.

Furry Fetish

Furry Definition: 1 Furry fandom (also known as furrydom, fur fandom or furdom) refers to the fandom for fictional anthropomorphic animal characters with human personalities and characteristics.

2 Furry and other anthropomorphic characters, who display animal attributes such as ears, claws, and a tail. Generally, skin is completely covered entirely by fur. mostly animals close to manhood

Definition: 1 a form of sexual desire in which gratification depends to an abnormal degree on some object or item of clothing or part of the body; "common male fetishes are breasts, legs, hair, shoes, and underwear"

2 Something nonsexual, such as an object or a part of the body which arouses sexual desire or is necessary for one to reach full sexual satisfaction; Something which is believed to possess, contain, or cause spiritual or magical powers; an amulet or a talisman; An irrational, or abnormal, fixation

Human Condition (Furry Fetish)

I find the human condition, and the sophisticated and advanced train of though that we have to be very unusual and which makes us even more deeply rooted than other species. It does not make us however better than other species we live with or more intelligent then them too. We just have an evolutionary advantage over the rest.

Anyways what i find interesting is that we come up with unusual fetishes to seek gratification, joy, pleasure, and other emotional / physical stimuli to make some of ourselves feel good. To find and doing something in cultural sense to be and feel united with each other through strange fetishes and rituals, but there is something more than just a fetish. its a belonging for something long forgotten, missing, or inner nature that needs to unleashed/ explored more. Heck, we are animals. we have instincts, feelings, a gut, have the ability to sense danger, and the ability to survive, but why don't we see ourselves as animals. some say that if you act like an animal you might as well eat like an animal.

Why must we categorize our own species into different groups based on what we do or how we act and how we are each different in some little way? we are all here to live, mingle with each other, and share with each other. Differences should not be the deciding factor.

Any how in terms of the furry fetish, i find interesting that we seek the basic nurture, compassion, loyalty, and what it might feel like to be an animal of choice to feel what life be like if everything was simplistic as instinct and not have the complicated/ sophisticated complications of the human brain interfering. Its as if we want the human structure of anatomy fused with other anatomical parts of another animal.

No Direct Gravitational Pull

The gravitational pull as we know it here on earth pulls everything toward the center of the planet and we are held by other forces so that we don't fall to the center. What if there is another version of our planet on a parallel plane where instead of just everything being pulled to the center there are other forms of gravitational pull from the objects around us. Where each have their own field of gravity within the gravitational pull of earth.

So your feet could be touching one surface and being pulled in one direction while touching something else with your hands pulls you in a different direction then the surface your foot in on. In other words there is no direct down and no up, but that it would depend on the surface/ object that is being touched or in the gravitational field of something in proximity.

That would surely be an interesting way live. everyday would be different, but hopeful not to dangerously different because there still is the unified pulled to the center of the planet. I always thought this would be a cool and awesome project to execute as a photograph to defy the rules of what we know or can prove.

Friday, April 1, 2011

I Thought It Was Flat Out Funny...

This video was also just awesome in story line, lyrics, and execution of the whole thing. I really enjoy this English version.

Whoa.... Bizzare

I thought this video was wicked and very unusual. I love the desolate feel of a salvage planet and playing withe the idea of people from different worlds or in this case aliens. The costume and make up transition was interesting and very uniquely bold. The detail involved with this is just spectacular with the make up, animation, and the feeling of floating in space within a space and how gravity is not completely defined as in which is up down left or right. The whole clip was really cool and awesome, but what really stood out or that caught my eye was the last minute or so... of the clip. The message in this which I'm guessing is clearly stated in the video through the lyrics, is that no matter how different or foreign love is for people it still has the same effects and that its hard to get rid of and control because its so overwhelming.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


What does one suppose it means and reveals about humans when its said that:

Morality turns us into sheep.


I like to imagine from time to time:

what my life would be like if I was living in an alter-ego world of my own shoe's and what their life is like.

Then i start think and imagine what other people's alter-ego would be if they had one. Whether it be one that best suits their personality or what would be the complete opposite of what they normally be like.


What does it mean when it is said that people believe photographs?

Do they accept the fact that the image they are viewing is real and tells the truth or is that the execution of the idea that went behind creating it?

If the photograph is believable, but turns out to be false would that take away from the artists credibility or increase it?